TradeScout is a superior way
to log trades
Meet the new standard for modern trade logging.
Add trades, view trades stats, and discover trends.
Get Started
Trade Logging
you'll enjoy using

Manually create trades in seconds or import trades from your preferred broker.
Multiple Asset types. Compatible with both forex and stock brokers.
Group Trades. Group trades into portfolios and categorize by setup or mistake tags.
Images. Capture the context surrounding a trade by adding images.
Explore your
trading journal

View all of the trades added to your portfolios, apply filters to only view the trades you want to see, and generate stats based on the filtered trades.
Modern Visualization. Visualize trade info in a modern way.
Filter trades. Filter trades by different properties such as portfolio, status, symbol, etc.
Trade Stats. Generate trade stats from the filtered trades.
Generate Stats
from Trades